
Anti-theft bolts

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Influence to promote the use of the current field to set up the tower, metal framework, executives guardrail bolts, nuts and tools used are commonly burglar dedicated high price, not the second fastening, easy to loose reason, resulting in Tower transformer, guardrails, important facilities are easily stolen unloading.
Break the routine standard of the patent concept fastener multilateral body shape, with the cone outer thread with special tools, only clockwise afterburner fastening, counterclockwise afterburner disassemble the tool shed. The cone shape effective way to avoid the possible demolition with a pipe wrench to achieve best burglar unloading effect. Even at long loose can still fastened to meet customer requirements.power plant load factor
: Tower, railway tracks nut due to wind and vibration need continuous maintenance, adjustment, fastening.
Anti-theft bolts major businesses in today s society in order to safeguard their own interests and use anti-theft screws.
Anti-theft screws can be divided into:
1, to safeguard the interests of the merchants and businesses to use anti-theft bolts on their products. For example: the Joyoung many products on the use of anti-theft bolt, his most important role is to keep the casual demolition products and the maintenance of the product to better identify the causes.
2, a security role in a lot of outdoor products will use anti-theft bolts, because there are many drawbacks in the management and use anti-theft bolts to greatly reduce the unnecessary loss outdoors. Example: in the outdoor fence anti-theft bolt is widely applied.
3, easy to use, use the special wrench can be installed without the need for special and complex tool, manufacturers will be equipped with special tools to customers, there is no need to worry about installation problems.
4, nice appearance.power only load boards

