
Role valve Hydraulic hose pipe clamps

Parher hydraulic valve block is mainly used in the sewage treatment plants, power plants, mining and other industries in this industry are mainly sewage treatment, generally exclude industrial plant effluent can be used to pinch valves, and some manufacturers also choose use float valve. The main reason why the valve is using ferrule pipe fitting valve does not impede the flow, the flow resistance is small, easy to sewage effluent will not be blocked. put on the top half of the folder, and then fixed with screws, you can locking cover to prevent it from turning. Then install a second pipe clamps. Hydraulic hose clamps used in life is relatively small, tube clamp valve we usually use are very simple valve. However, in industry or other industries is still relatively widely used. Pipe clamps are more valves used in industry, industry waste water often contains a lot of impurities such as particles and powders, so it will be difficult to exclude the pipeline when there exclude some chemical related industries and sewage will corrosion performance, pipe clamps pipe valve is the best choice. important is its low maintenance costs, the design is simple, even if the external environment is very harsh and will not be affected.

1 条评论:

  1. Thank you for introducing me a new type of clamps for hydraulic systems than the hydraulic hose clamps which I had known long before.
